Specific services include:
Geophysical Services
Era Energy, Professional Geophysical Consultancy Services
- Seismic Data Acquisition (2D/3D)
- Seismic Refraction
- Seismic Data Processing
- Seismic Interpretation
- Quality Control of Geophysical Studies
- Gravity Data Acquisition and Interpretation
- Magnetic Data Acquisition and Interpretation
- Electrical Resistivity Sounding (VES) and Profiling Surveys
- Electromagnetic Conductivity Sounding and Profiling Surveys
- Induced Potential and Spontane Polarization Surveys
- Borehole Surveys and Geophysical Log Analysis
- Design and Interpretation of Large Scale Airborne and Ground Based
- Regional Surveys for Deep Structure Identification
- Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys
- Prospect Evaluation

Operating Principle: It converts the alternative current (AC) that is taken from energy resource to direct current (DC).
Current Produced: Current outlet is controlled and it can produce current till 6-8 Amper (A)
Indicators: Digital.
Sensitivity: It sensitivity is 0.01 mv.
Usage: It is inside of mobile steel bag.

Sensor Type: Fused Quartz using electrostatic nulling
Reading Resolution: 1 microGal
Standard Field Repeatability: < 5 microGal
Operating Range: 8,000 mGal without resetting
Residual Long-Term Drift: Less than 0.02mGal/day (static)
Range of Automatic Tilt Compensation: ±200 arc sec
Tares: Typically less than 5 microGals for shocks up to 20 G
Automated Corrections: Tide, Instument Tilt, Temperature, Noisy Sample, Seismic Noise Filter

Total Field Operating Range: 23,000 to 100,000 nT (gammas)
Total Field Absolute Accuracy: ±1 nT
Sensitivity: 0.1 nT at 2 second sampling rate
Tuning: Fully solid state. Manual or automatic, keyboard selectable
Cycling (Reading) Rates: 0.5 1 or 2 seconds
Gradiometer Option: Includes a second sensor, 1/2m (20 inch) staff extender and processor module

Operating Principle: Electrostatic collection of alpha-emitters with spectral analysis
Measurement Accuracy: +/-5% absolute accuracy, 0% – 100% RH
Indicators: Digital.
Nominal Sensitivity: SNIFF mode, 0.25 cpm/(pCi/L), 0.0067 cpm/(Bq/m3) NORMAL mode, 0.5 cpm/(pCi/L), 0.013 cpm/(Bq/m3)
Radon Concentration Range: 0.1 – 20,000 pCi/L (4 – 750,000 Bq/m3)

Sensor Type: NDIR (non‐dispersive infrared)
Data Points: 60.000
Programmable Interval Data: Date, time, CO2, O2 (every 15 seconds to 18 hours)
Range: %5, Accuracy ±70 ppm, ±5% of measured value, Repeatability ±0.1%, ±2%
of measured value

Channel Range: 220 channel
Performance: Real Time Kinematik (RTK) − Horizontal: 8 mm+1 ppm RMS− Vertical: 15 mm+1 ppm RMS